Thursday, September 25, 2008


Seen is the alpha dog
They are each holding mock-ups
seen talks much more, and at a louder volume than the others
The other man doesn't make much eye contact and shakes head lightly when disagreeing
Other artists don't speak
Seen changes his mind on things, but always speaking with the air of confidence
"believe me" "understand me?" never "what do you think?"
seen goes right into the painting without consulting
when the other artist disagrees he says so and then seen tries to persuade him otherwise
seen gives his "sermon" on how the process has to go 1. outline 2. filling 3. background, 3d 4. "clouds or whatever"
don't hear anything from the other artist
adds characteristics from what he knows the other artist's style is (maybe?)
other artist crowds Seen's work and seen say's "come on, come on" and pushes him away
other artist starts to adapt to his style of debate, becoming more mobile and vocal
definitely "master and apprentice" relationship
we never see the other artist paint
refers to older works to justify that methods work

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