Thursday, September 18, 2008

ARCS activity 3

For this activity I looked at an article in the 9-18-08 edition of the DA. It was an opinion piece commenting on the city council meeting, where residents voiced their views on students moving into residential areas. Some residents felt that students were causing great disruption, and actually scaring the people of the neighborhoods. The author goes on to talk about the fact that WVU is growing in size and the developments that are being built to house students are getting further away from town and so students are forced to live closer to campus. He says that students just need to respect the rights of their neighbors and not party every night or harass the residents.

I don't believe the argument rests at any conjecture. The issue is the students are misbehaving and upsetting the communities, but what both sides need to do is not really covered in the article. The author is simply stating a possible solution to the problem. In order for this to be in stasis, the other side needs to be clearly stated, but it cannot. The counter argument could be that WVU needs to create more housing and keep the students out of the residential areas. Another argument could be that residents should live with it. They know where they live and if they don't like it they should leave. Along with the author's argument there possibly three stances and that is too many to achieve stasis.

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